Sunday, September 21, 2008

early final harvest...

Well, I/we usually wait until the last week of October or early November to pick all the green tomatoes...but for some reason, I decided to do it today...

reason one, it's such a nice day and not many left on the vine of the staked plants

two, there are more on the volunteer/roge plants that are not staked and so they will rot before they turn red...pick-em now!

Lauren and I picked most of the greens from the staked plants in the a.m. and I began to pick the remaining from the staked and roge...what a haul! and then the ultimate suprise, a hidden nest of bees that got me at least 5-6 times!! ugh! right ankle, right thigh, right palm, left forearm, left shoulder blade and maybe my neck....cinco-ugh!!