Saturday, March 31, 2007

Canna Inspection time

My brother happens to be in town and is the canna-king...tons in his yard.

A few years ago, he gave me some tubers and they came up in my limited sun side yard. I dug them up for the winter, stored them in the garage (insulated) and they did not do well.

Last year, w/ Paul in town, I bought some orange canna at a local nursey and planted them on either side of my garage door...they did well...lots of afternoon sun. I dug up the many sprouts/tubers and stored them in the basement...we looked at them today and Paul thinks they seem okay --will sprout...they have some new life on them now.

I also took a sprout/tuber w/ a leaf on it and planted it in a 6" pot and put it in the masterbath for the winter...some western indirect sun. It has made it! and has some new spouts...I will plant it back in the front of the garage...

I am so anxious to get them in the ground. Paul waits (200 miles south of me) until at least mid-April...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Start of the 2007 season

These pix here at at this link were taken last w/e (03.25.07) throughout the yard...spring has sprung--yahooooo!

There are so many areas of the yard that need 'help'...need some new natural life...that's the goal of '07...get some new items into the empty spots of the yard.


Day lilies popping up