Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gray day solution...a trip to the conservatory

Well, it's the middle of winter in tundra-land (not much gardening going on)...what to do on a snowy/cold/gray Saturday in January......a surprise trip to the Garfield Park Conservatory...that's the ticket!!!

I asked C & L to get ready and get in the car...we're going on a family outing... and they did not know where we were off to...L kept asking, 'are we at the spot yet?''s 25 miles from home and about 45 minutes in it's a bit of a drive, but well worth it!

The scene could not be more perfect...the end of a very very cold week, with temps below zero and wind-chills in the -20's...ouch. We arrive at about 10a.m. to a wide open house of green and color...4.5 acres of lush palms, ferns, flowers, cactus, ponds and that's what we needed. So much for the eyes, nose and hands to soak in...the warmth of the house, the humid air, the floating mist, the smell of flowers...all of it given to us as a gift...what a blessing to be able to be aware of such a great place...a touch of paradise in the middle of the busy City.

We spent two hours walking the 'grounds'...amazed at the beauty that surrounded us...knowing that we must return in a few months to see the new exhibit that is under construction and to see the outdoor grounds in the summer...the plants, the ponds and the large labryinth...can't for the return trip.