Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hot Sat. 7.28...

Well, getting a bit tired of the non-arrow wood viburnum in my back yard...I think it's mulberry mixed in...I attacked the weed in three or four was so hot that I attacked, cut, pruned and then took a break inside and it felt good to rid the one arrow wood of the bad-boy! Cut it up into small pieces so it can become part of compost pile soon...will let it 'rot' in the garbage can a while and then pile-it...ahhhh...that felt good--that, and ridding some of the yard of large weeds....ugh--so many this year and I actually am being proactive to get them out of here...full time battle.

The weed/feed on the garden did not seem to do much in the veg-garden...more weeds are back...maybe they are jumping from the nearby grass--which is pretty sad...someday that side yard will have no grass--yippee!

picking tomatoes and viewing the ee's

These pix were taken last weekend...

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I've never done any post planting fertilizing of the garden, veg or flower...but this year I'm trying the standard weed/feed mostly in the veg garden and some in the EE-garden area...we'll see if I can notice any change in weed growth or accelerated growth in the plants.

I'd started a lazy mans compost pile near the garden...thinking I'd do a layered type, I finally turned it over/raked it out...such great dark soil!!! yep, we have compost liftoff now on both sides of the house...good stuff.

Friday, July 20, 2007

A Good Week...

Well, early in the week, there was lots of rain! The lawn looks like hell, but the garden is more important...

big news in the veg-garden! -lots of red cherry, some red plum and maybe a red early girl--rockin' red in mind-July...will need to pick them this p.m. when Lauren wakes-up.

bigger news---there are new 'horn' sprouts from the EE/beast...looks like more leaves are on the way...

onions are going fast...C is using them in green and potato salads etc...what to plant there after they are gone?...a late summer crop of?????


and today I officially started the 2nd compost pile w/ food scraps, yard waste etc...can't wait to use this stuff in the garden.

tomato picking was slightly plentiful...pic to be posted soon of my little helper doing the picking...she does know to pick the reds and oranges--not the greens...but she thinks all the greens will be red optimist. We had the just picked tomatoes for dinner...absolutely nothing like fresh tomatoes!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Timely Review of Isaiah

"See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" (Is 43:19)

As I spent substantial time this morning putting up today's post and pictures, I casually wondered how I came across the blog tag line above from Isaiah...well, watching the Sunday evening PBS show 30 Good Minutes--a repeat, I think I know how. I must have seen this episode/show back in the spring and liked it's message...if that's not how it came to be, then it just fits. The guest speaker spoke of this exact scripture reading...WOW! It spoke of hope and His way to give us what we need when we need it...this all blends well with my new efforts of gardening this year. I truly have ratcheted up the gardening bug in me...planting new things in new places and transplanting plants in new you not perceive it--are you not aware...this show got me good. They spoke of "suffering and hope..." --'How do you think, though, the promise in Isaiah speaks to families whose child has died or to someone who has lost a spouse or a loved one? How do those words speak to someone who is at the bottom, where they really believe that their worst possible reality has come to be?' all comes together in just 30 good minutes today! Thank you Lord for giving me the gift of Awareness and providing the hope along with providing me with what I need along my spiritual journey.

Mid-Summer Update

Well, I've not kept a precise log of my gardening activities since late April, but here is a good summary and more pix have been added to the photo log...


Veg garden:
18 tomatoes
6 peppers, red, yellow, green -(wow--lots of weeds in the pepper garden--better get to that!)
2 basil pots
one hot pepper from the winter

-new hosta and EE/beast garden
-17 orange canna
-balcony trays (pix soon)
-front and back/C-tree annuals (pix soon)
-transplanted the last remaining Edelweiss (pic soon)
-for the 1st time that I can recall, I cut flowers from the garden to bring inside...duh! peonies, roses, hydrangea from my new Endless and MB's, Lady's Mantle, Day Lilies...etc.
-transplanted cones are doing well!

June/July--watering & weeding
late June--harvested the 1st onions
7.14--spotted the 1st redish tomato

Monday, July 09, 2007

Wow...2 months!

Well, I've been too darn busy in the garden to blog/post about the garden...

I've promised myself that I will post an update this week to bring it up to speed.